Children Residential Homes
For 7 - 17 year old children of any genders with:
Emotional and behavioural difficulties.
Subjected to a DOLs
Specialised solo / crisis provisions.
16+ Supported Accommodation
For 16 / 17 year old young people of any genders who are:
Leaving residential care.
Unaccompanied Asylum Seeking Children (UASC).
Parent and baby.
Care leavers.
Outreach Support
For all children & young people of any genders who require:
Transition support.
Family and home visits.
Staff support in family homes.
Independent support.
Children Home Maintenance Contractors
Maintenance for children's homes and providers.
Contractors with DBS cleared with full safer recruitment.
- Emergency Callouts - Fire Doors and Fitting (FD30 Doors) - Fire Door overhead closures - Thumb lock fitting - Fire Boarding - Securing / Boarding Broken and Smashed Windows / Doors - Garden / Outhouse Buildings - Full Kitchen Fitting / Kitchen units - Remedial Works.