Contact Our Placements Team
Speak to our Placements Team on how best we can support your young person within our Children's Homes or 16+ Supported Accommodation, please contact us on the details below.
Alternatively Local Authorities can send referrals direct to
Head Office:
Achieving Together Ltd, Company No: 14393185, The Old Rectory, Main Street, Glenfield, Leicester, LE38DG
Children Placements Available:
Emerald House = 0 Placements Available (Children Home - URN:2768158)
Sapphire House = 0 Placements Available (Children Home - URN:2787275)
The Project - Flats = 3 Placements Available (16+ Supported Accommodation - URN:2764529)
The Project - Coalville = 1 Placements Available (16+ Supported Accommodation - URN:2764529)
The Project - Aylestone = 0 Placements Available (16+ Supported Accommodation - URN:2764529)
The Project - Beech = 2 Placements Available (16+ Supported Accommodation - URN:2764529)